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Product Description

Member 1 Details

There are seven membership types. Each gives rise to a different fee. Select the most appropriate for your membership situation. The fee for this selection is shown at the bottom left of the form in blue. At this time DO NOT select “Additional Member Details”

Work your way down the form completing requested information as you go.

You will be requested to select whether you require England Athletics registration or not. If the member you are registering is over ten years old and wishes to compete for the Club then registration is required. Selecting “Yes” will automatically add £19 to the total membership fee when you get to the Payments Page. By selecting “Yes” it is deemed consent that the member’s details (Gender, Name, DoB, Address, Email) can be shared with England Athletic when registration is applied for. 

Once all boxes have been completed select the blue box “Add to Cart”. A new window will appear detailing your selections and fee, including England Athletics registration if selected.

If you are registering just one member select “Go to Checkout”.

If you are registering more than one member select “Continue Shopping”.

Member 2 or More Details

If you need to register a second or more members select “Additional Member Details” in the Membership Type Box. This selection does not give rise to an additional fee as the whole fee has been attributed to the first registered member. (See bottom left corner). Complete all the boxes as before. Again the selection of EA registration will give rise to an addition of £19.

Once all boxes have been completed select the blue box “Add to Cart”. A new window will appear detailing your selections and fee for each member registered so far, including England Athletics registrations if selected.

If you have finished registering all members select “Go to Checkout”.

If you are registering additional members select “Continue Shopping” and work your way through the same process.

Check Out

After selection of “Go to Checkout” you will be taken to a new screen summarising the membership inputs.

For those members who consider they are eligible for a reduced or free membership fee then they need to apply by email to Heather Bills for a “Promotional Code”.

People who are eligible are;

Life Members

Lead Coaches

Students - over 18 years at higher education

County - Members who live 30 miles from club and use facilities infrequently

Over 65s - Who have been a member of the Club for five or more of the previous years

This preferably needs to be done before you complete the membership registration.

When prompted fill in the “Promotional Code” and continue to checkout.

Complete the payment process. An email will be sent to you confirming membership is received. In time the England Athletics registration will be processed. Confirmation of this should be confirmed directly by England Athletics when completed.


Item in Stock (79411 Available)