Welcome to the Halesowen Athletics Club membership registration website
What follows is hopefully a concise guide on how to successfully work your way through the process of registering your membership application.
Before you start here are the basics;
There are seven membership options for 2024/25
Individual aged 21 years and over (£187)
Individual aged under 21 years (£132)
Family (2 members over 21 and at least 1 member under 21 Or 1 member over 21 and at least 2 members under 21) (£429)
1 Member aged 21 years and over and 1 member aged under 21 years (£319)
2 Members aged under 21 years (£264)
3 Members aged under 21 years (£396)
Couple – 2 members aged 21 years and over (£325)
On the first page you will be asked to select the option that is most appropriate. This will be the option that generates the club fee.
For those members who consider they are eligible for a reduced or free membership fee then they need to apply by email to Phill Scarr - membership@halesowen-athleticclub.co.uk for a “Promotional Code” which can be inputted when you get to the payment page.
To start the process press “Pay Membership” button on this page. Further help will be provided on the next pages.
The first page is to be completed by the single or lead applicant if you are registering more than one person.
For the second or more members you wish to register select the “Additional Member Details”. This does not generate a fee unless you select for England Athletics registration.
If you get stuck then feel free to contact Phill Scarr for assistance on membership@halesowen-athleticclub.co.uk
Please be aware that becoming a member of the athletics section means you agree to abide by the club policies and codes of conduct, which are available on the club website https://www.halesowen-athleticclub.co.uk/club-policies/ .